The day rock humiliated the USA
1985 was the year in which the US government wanted to censor music, mainly rock and later rap, but ended up making a fool of itself, considering rock to be a genre that violated morals and good manners, classifying rock as a threat to the purity of youth. A witch hunt was carried out against the bands they considered the most indecent of that time, even calling to testify before the US Senate one of the most eccentric rockers of the time, judging that because of his appearance he did not know how to express himself well and would be humiliated in front of everyone.
The senate committee invited three musicians to defend their music, one of whom was Dee Snider, lead singer of the band Twisted Sister, known for their flamboyant outfits.
Snider came into the audience looking like a real rockstar, sleeveless denim jacket, blond, lush hair, eye make-up and sunglasses, he purposely made himself look like this to show that it is wrong to judge a book by its cover, sarcastically pulling his speech out of his pocket, it was a badly folded sheet of paper like a real bad boy. Defending his music by arguing that Twisted Sister's songs in general did not talk about harmful topics for young people, on the contrary, their lyrics were very positive and empowering, about believing in yourself and not giving up, also about fighting for what you believe in.After the cessions, the Senate did not allow censorship of the media but required that explicit discs carry a notice, "PARENTAL ADVISORY EXPLICIT CONTENT".
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