Coming home Major Tom
This post will have more coherence and sustence reading the post "Ground control to Major Tom".
March 24, 1983.
Peter schilling tells us a secret, did Major Tom really get lost?, "Major Tom", teaches how the vastness of the universe can be understood as our home and how the earth may be falling into an eternal void, metaphorically and literally. This song in contrast to "Space oddity" shows a much more human astronaut who breaks free by coming home, in the universe.
Quoting Major Tom: "Now the light commands, this is my home, I´m coming home, Earth below us, drifting, falling, floating weightless, coming home".
The Major Tom was never lost, he just found his true home.
Peter Schilling. February 14, 2020. Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home) (Official video). [Video file]. Youtube. (48) Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home) (Official Video) - YouTube
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